Con-1, Watkins, 5813 Federal Rd., just north of Crocketts Corners.


    Building date: 1838

    Original use:

    Corner structures:

    Mortar application and content: Vertical no embellishment

    Types and uses of stones:

    co Types and choice of windows:

    Structures with similar masonry details:

    Masons who worked on building: Same mason as Con-2 Pavlove

    Unique features:

    Map Location

    Map views courtesy Google Maps. Google Maps street level view is not available. Address is Google Earth confirmed; 42°44'14.43"N 77°40'05.53"W. Current owner of record, Watkins as of date (YMD) 190417.

    Town of Conesus and Livingston County Maps

    Comments, Additional Information, References

    The Bethnel Payne house at 5813 Federal Road, Conesus, was completed in 1838. It was purchased in 1845 by George F. Coe, a widely respected farmer who served as town supervisor for six years. The property remained in the Coe family until 1940 when it was purchased by George Fiedler, an executive of Rochester Gas & Electric Co., who restored it. It was placed on the National Register in November 1, 2006. Richard Palmer blog.

    List of Cobblestone Structures, page 3, Township of Conesus, Item #1, in Livingston County dated 1961 (incomplete).

    NoteNational Register of Historic Places Registration

    This property is listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places.

    Asset Detail National Register of Historic Places effective 11/01/2006.
    National Register of Historic Places Registration Form provides detailed information about cobblestone structure.
    Payne Cobblestone House Wikipedia article.

    "Cobblestone Masonry", 1966, Carl Schmidt: Name reference, Payne - Kumberg House
    Page 31


    Con-1 Watkins 1
    Con-1 Watkins 1.jpg ¹
    GP Livingston Conesus Con-1_1 N
    GP Livingston Conesus Con-1_1 N.jpg ² August 1969
    Con-1 Watkins 2
    Con-1 Watkins 2.jpg ³
    Con-1 5813 Federal Rd 1
    Con-1 5813 Federal Rd 1.jpg 4
    Con-1 5813 Federal Rd 2
    Con-1 5813 Federal Rd 2.jpg 4
    Con-1 5813 Federal Rd 3
    Con-1 5813 Federal Rd 3.jpg 4
    5813 Federal Road, Conesus
    5813 Federal Road, Conesus.jpg 5

    ¹ Photography courtesy John Vrooman
    ² Photography courtesy Gerda Peterich.
    ³ Image courtesy Cobblestone Museum.
    4 Photography courtesy Martin and Sheila Wolfish.
    5 Photography courtesy Richard Palmer.

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