Museum Closed Nov.-April. Call for availability (585) 589-9013

Cobblestone Architectural Tour-September 21 (12-5pm)

Cobblestone Museum Tour of Historic Homes: (Saturday, September 21 from 12-5pm) Our annual self-drive Cobblestone Tour will visit 12 fine examples of regional historic architecture all within a few minutes’ drive in Albion NY. This tour continues an annual tradition that was put on hold during the pandemic. This year’s tour focuses on architectural treasurers in Albion, the county seat of Orleans County. The tor is organized by Bill Lattin, Sue Starkweather Miller, Erin Anheier, Chris Hunt and Doug Farley. Ticket prices for the self-drive tour are $20 for Cobblestone Society Members and $25 for all others.

Tour sites for 2024:
1. Cobblestone Thompson-Kast Visitors Center, 14386 Ridge Rd W., Albion
2. Bullard/Lattin Cobblestone House, 3178 Gaines Basin Rd, Albion
3. Gaines Basin Schoolhouse, District #2, 3286 Gaines Basin Rd, Albion
4. Orleans Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), 249 N Main (at Linwood), Albion
5. Day & Day Building with Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Room, and the Pratt Opera House, 114 N Main, Albion (Enter from Main Street)
6. Former Presbyterian Manse-Harriette Greaser Home, 31 East State St, Albion
7. Marti’s on Main-Kim and Neal Muscarella, 20 South Main St, Albion
8. Christ Episcopal Church, 26 South Main, Albion
9. Ebenezer Rogers House – Mr. and Mrs. John Galie, 352 South Main Street, Albion (Parking at Oak Orchard Dental, 362 S. Main at Allen)
10. Joseph F. Hart House – Diana Kay Dragan Reed, 349 South Main, Albion (Parking at Oak Orchard Dental, 363 S. Main at Allen)
11. Mt. Albion Cemetery Chapel, 14925 Rt 31, Albion
12. Mt. Albion Cemetery Soldier & Sailors Monument Tower, 14925 Rt 31, Albion

  • September 5, 2024
  • 12:00 pm
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